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24th ʻIolani XC Invitational

Hi everyone,

This Saturday is the 24th running of the ʻIolani XC Invitational. This year is our first year at Kaaawa Valley. Please refer to the meet website here for the schedule.

This is a limited entry meet due to the number of participating schools including 10 teams from the mainland. We notified the boys of the racing team, including alternates. While this is a JV/V only meet and not everyone is racing, we highly encourage everyone to come to the meet to enjoy the racing and also to help out at the meet.


Many of you are new to our program, and due to COVID, have not experienced an invitational like this before. This meet can only happen with the help and support of our dedicated parent volunteers. We will need parent help with course marshaling, timers, finish chute, t-shirt sales, registration, parking, biking, etc. We will supplement with kids who are not racing where suitable and sub when your child is racing. Volunteer position signup here. The spots are the minimum we need, feel free to still sign up for a spot even if it's full, many hands make light work & we can take turns in shifts if enough volunteers. THANK YOU ALL in advance.


We will have a bus for the kids, departing school at 2:30pm, leaving Kaaawa at 8pm returning to school.


We have a mini bento order here for a post race snack together after the races. The deadline is Wed, 9/7, 9pm. Short turnaround to finalize the order, so please make sure you do so asap.

T Shirt Order

Reminder T Shirt order link here. Deadline is Thursday noon.

Community Race

We will have a 3k (~2mi) Community Race at the end of the meet, after the Championship races. This is for coaches, parents, kids not in the four limited races, and anyone else attending the meet to join. Signup will be $10 on race day at the registration tent (students on the team do not need to pay). The proceeds go directly to the boys & girls programs.

Thanks & See everybody on Saturday for some great racing!



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